
Welcome to 4oks Housing channel


Price Details 具体价格:
House/Apmt Area 面积:
Your Current Area 所在地区:
Changping District Lishui Qiao/Tiantongyuan/Huilongguan 
Specific Location 详细地点/小区名:
ChangPing Subway 
Type of the Place 房屋类别:
Long-term Residential Rent 
Rooms 房间数:
Washrooms 洗手间数:
Building Height 楼层:
Building Total Floor 总层数: 0   The Place is at Floor 所在层:0 
Facing 朝向:
Facilities 配置:
Rent or Sale 租售:
Rent the Entire Place 
AD by 发布人性质:
An Agent  

One Room for Short-Term Rent 15 Mins From ChangPing Subway Renting out a 13-sqm bedroom in a 3-bedroom apartment. You will share the apartment with a friendly Eritrean couple with a child. The apartment has one living room, a bathroom, a kitchen with a gas stove, electric oven, microwave, electric kettle, two fridges (one fridge will be yours) and a washing machine. We are renting it out for 3-4 months. The rent is 1300 yuan per month (Internet and heating fee included). No agent fees, you only pay one-month deposit when moving in. The room has one single bed, storage space under the bed, a chair, old TV (can be removed if you don't need it), a small shelf, large window, an AC, and it's really warm during the heating season!I The apartment is located in Nanhuanli community, Wanke Mall is just across the street (5 min walk), there is a nice park nearby too, community health center, Chanping hospital, Walmart (20 mins by bus), there are several universities nearby - China Petroleum Uni, Political Science and Law Uni and probably some others. If you are interested, drop me a message!

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