Name 姓名:
Floriane Riga
Sex 性别:
Age 年龄:
I think I'm from 来自:
My Current Area
China Shanghai Putuo
My Current Specific Spot (Street/Building Name)
Wuning Road
Desired Job Categories
EDU - Home/Private Tutoring 家教Nannies/Baby Sitters/Helpers 英文家政/看护
Preferred Job Location
My Strong Points
motivated I love children patient attentive friendly
Profile & Introduction
I have already taken care of children (of my parent's friend) --> for babysitting
I had helped a few times a young polish boy to read/ write french and explained him some French rule (grammar,...)

10 years in a French speaking school in Belgium
2 years on a Dutch speaking boarding school in Belgium
Graduated from secondary school in Belgium
Currently at Jiaotong University (learning Chinese)

i travelled a lot to England to attend English courses with natives speakers. French is my native language and i feel very comfortable with those two languages and in Dutch too.

contact 联系方式