Name 姓名:
Joseph Lopez
Sex 性别:
Age 年龄:
I think I'm from 来自:
United States of America
My Current Area
My Current Specific Spot (Street/Building Name)
Puebla puebla Mexico
Desired Job Categories
EDU - Universities and International Schools 大学/国际学校EDU - Private Institutes and kindergartens 学龄前/幼儿园EDU - Middle/High School Institutes 私立补习班
Preferred Job Location
Mexico Puebla
My Strong Points
very patient and interactive
Profile & Introduction
I have been teaching english for over 12 years and I love to teach english in an interactive way, making students feel comfortable and happy to interact making it easy for them to lear. always encouraging them to make it better every time telling them how good they are when they are in sesion.
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