Name 姓名:
Mahdi Shakeri
Sex 性别:
Age 年龄:
I think I'm from 来自:
My Current Area
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Desired Job Categories
EDU - Private Institutes and kindergartens 学龄前/幼儿园EDU - Online/Phone Teaching 在线教育EDU - Middle/High School Institutes 私立补习班EDU - Home/Private Tutoring 家教EDU - Other Teaching Jobs 其它教育类职位
Preferred Job Location
Everywhere in China
My Strong Points
Passionate and knowledgeable teacher
Profile & Introduction
Dear Sir,
I am interested in applying for teaching position in your school district. As a teacher who will soon be graduated from a College in English linguistics BA degree in my home country, I have student teaching experience on the third- fourth-, and sixth-grade level in English Institutes. I believe my teaching experience and passion for community engagement make me an ideal candidate for a teaching position at your school.
I have experience teaching kids and elementary-level students in a variety of settings. I am currently teaching third-grade children at an institution.
Your school also strives to engage students in the larger community. I have lots of experience incorporating potential skills into practice. For example, as a student teacher, I have boundlessly tried to encourage students to speak about their friends and family and generally people who they care about. In addition, I have let them make mistakes and restrain from being embarrassed only because they lack in proper speaking ability or other issues.
It is my goal to combine my range of experience with my ability to be a compassionate, enthusiastic, intelligent teacher who will make a positive contribution to your school and larger community. I would welcome an interview and hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely yours.
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