Part-time Jobs in China


Scan QR Code to Access PT-Jobs Only on WeChat


Or simply add WeChat ID: OKOKOKOKnet





We are currently upgrading the English part-time jobs information platform to make it fully compatible to WeChat(微信).


Please use WeChat to scan the QR code above to access to the PT-Jobs Only  - China No.1 PT job portal on both mobile and PC


If you do not have WeChat please click here to install it on your mobile device. Then scan QR code below or add WeChat ID: OKOKOKOKnet




或直接加微信服务号ID: OKOKOKOKnet




PC/Notebook users please first also scan WeChat to access  PT Jobs for PC



4oks, in assciation with 兼职基地i兼职(, strives to become China's No.1 English part-time jobs portal for foreigners and English-speaking Chinese nationals. Please access our PT Only information throughWeChat.